
Tonga Visum

Die Notwendigkeit, ein Visum für Tonga zu beantragen, nimmt den ganzen Spaß am Reisen.
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Tonga Visatypen

Sie können ein Tonga-Visum beantragen, das Ihrem Zweck und Ihrer Tätigkeit entspricht. Es stehen verschiedene Visatypen zur Verfügung, wie unten dargestellt. Entscheiden Sie sich für denjenigen, der Ihrer Mission entspricht.

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Erhalten Sie ein Visum
Experte für Tonga Visa-Dienstleistungen seit 2003, VisaHQ ist eine private Visa-Agentur, die nicht mit der Regierung von Tonga verbunden ist. VisaHQ bietet Expediting Services für Visa nach Tonga und erhebt eine Servicegebühr. Sehen Sie, wie wir in 90 Sekunden vergleichen Video 
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Ein Visum ist für dieses Reiseziel erforderlich.
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    Leider bietet VisaHQ derzeit keinen Service für dieses Land an.

    Ein Visum ist nicht erforderlich für dieses Reiseziel.

    Leider bietet VisaHQ derzeit keinen Service für dieses Land an. Touristenvisum

    Zusätzliche Schritte, die Sie unternehmen können:
    • Gültigkeit Ihres Reisepasses und Vorhandensein freier Seiten im Reisepass prüfen.

    • Die nächstgelegene Botschaft oder Konsulat von Tonga kontaktieren.

      Nutzen Sie unser umfassendes Verzeichnis von Botschaften und Konsulaten , um die nächstgelegene Vertretung zu finden. Fragen Sie bei der Botschaft Ihrer Wahl nach erforderlichen Unterlagen, Bearbeitungszeit des Visums und, ob die Vertretung Online-Anträge bearbeitet.

    Zusätzliche Informationen
      • Visum überprüfen

      Tonga Visa Policy

      Visitors are welcome to Tonga, but they must hold a valid visa issued to them abroad before their arrival unless they are eligible for a visa waiver. The free visa on arrival waiver is a program for foreigners exempted from visas because of their nationality. If your country is on the visa exempt list and you have a valid passport to prove your citizenship, you don’t need a visa to enter the Island of Tonga.

      As for those who are not from visa-exempt countries, they must apply for a visa abroad by sending their applications to Tonga’s Principal Immigration Officer’s office located in Nuku’alofa. All visitors must also have passports valid for a minimum of 6 months.

      Tonga Visa Waiver

      The visa waiver program is open to citizens of several countries, including all European Union countries and a host of other countries. Their citizens are free to stay on the Island for up to 30-90 days within 180 days. The number of days you’ll be allowed to stay depends on your nationality. Apart from this group, a different group of foreign citizens may stay for up to 31 days after obtaining a visa on arrival, free of charge.

      Visa on arrival visitors can also extend their stay beyond the initial 31 days for up to 6 months.

      All other nationals who are ineligible for visa waivers or free visas on arrival may apply for a visa for whatever purpose.

      Tonga Travel Information And Tips For Foreigners

      As is the case with foreign lands, you should prepare for some culture shocks for your trip to Tonga. This section shares tips and information to make your upcoming trip a worthwhile experience. Read till the end to learn a thing or two.

      Local Customs

      Tonga is a highly religious society with norms exclusive to the area. The people are very conservative and cherish their culture. Most Tongans are Christians, but there are conservative groups like Seventh-Day Adventists, Assemblies of God, and Mormons. The locals are quite friendly and reserved, but they don’t take kindly to disrespect. Be mindful of your interactions with them and respect their culture as your host, as you would want visitors to do in your domain.


      Homosexuality is illegal in Tonga and frowned upon. A romantic interaction between same-sex couples in public could have serious consequences. Even overly romantic expressions between heterosexual couples can create problems, so be mindful of your actions when in public.


      Modesty is considered a virtue in Tonga, and modest dressing is encouraged. Always dress conservatively in public, and make sure your attire covers your knees and shoulders without showing cleavage. Also, colors play a major role in fashion as all-black attire sends a message that you are mourning, so wearing such is disrespectful if you are not grieving. If you plan to spend time on the beach, pack bathing suits that cover a sizable chunk of your body. Never go topless in public for any reason.

      Sunday Is A Holy Day

      Sundays in Tonga are reserved as holy days, so offices and most business facilities are closed. The same is the case for restaurants, cafes, and pubs, as locals are either in the place of worship or resting at home with their families.


      It is illegal to buy or sell drugs in Tonga and importing or exporting the same can land the offender in jail for up to 30 years with hard labor and a heavy financial fine if the offense is not so grievous. Drinking Kava with narcotic ingredients doesn’t attract sanctions but is discouraged.

      Don’t Overstay

      Make sure you don’t stay more than what your visa allows. Plan your itinerary accordingly and exit the Island on or before the visa expires. If you decide to stay for a while longer, make the decision as early as possible and visit the local immigration office to apply for a visa extension, and don’t stay beyond the extended date.

      Natural Disasters

      Tonga has its share of natural disasters due to its location in the heart of the Pacific. It is prone to earthquakes and minor tremors, so study meteorological reports and postpone your trip if there are reports warning tourists and residents of impending danger.

      Swimming Dangers

      Not all beaches are great for swimming; some have coral reefs that endanger even the best swimmers. Avoid beaches like Tongatapu and Pangaimotu, with reefs and strong currents. Seek the advice of the locals before swimming in any water body, as some beaches are plagued with jellyfish, which have poisonous toxins.

      Peradventure you are stung by a Jellyfish, request an icepack quickly and place the same in the affected area or apply vinegar to the spot. Please don’t use alcohol as a remedy.

      Wildlife in Tonga

      Tonga is blessed with its fair share of wildlife, and snakes are prevalent in many water bodies surrounding the Island. Attacks are not common, but they do occur. There are also poisonous shells near the reefs with venomous stings, so be careful.

      Land areas also have colonies of critters that sting, such as centipedes and Molokai, that crawl into dark spots and even shoes. Always check your shoes before wearing them. You should also be wary of dogs that roam the Island, but alone they are harmless but can be aggressive in packs. They are nothing to worry about, as pretending to haul a stone at them will send them on their way.

      Protect Your Health

      Protect your health at all times and take safety precautions against prevalent ailments on the Island. Check with your doctor to give you professional advice before embarking on the trip. You may need to take vaccines or booster shots before your departure. Note that Dengue fever is rife in Tonga, so protect yourself from bites by wearing long-sleeved clothing and using insect repellent in your sleeping area, and don’t keep doors or windows open.

      You should also be very cautious of the food you eat, as food poisoning is common. For instance, Ciguatera poisoning is unpredictable and affects fish populations. When searching for menus, avoid fish menus that you are unfamiliar with, and should you begin to feel sick at any point, visit a local clinic as quickly as possible.

      Tonga e-Visa Online – Get your Tonga e-Visa with VisaHQ

      VisaHQ makes obtaining an electronic visa for Tonga a simple process. Forget waiting in long lines at the embassy or visiting a consulate; now, all it takes to get a Tonga visa is a few clicks on a computer or mobile device.

      Tonga COVID-19 Reisebeschränkungen

      • Der Eintritt ist geöffnet
        Tonga ist jetzt für Reisen geöffnet.
        Vor der Ankunft Einschränkungen
        Gültiger Reisepass. Gültiger nationaler Reisepass mit einer Restgültigkeit von mindestens 6 Monaten nach dem Abreisedatum.
        Gültiges Visum. Bitte beachten Sie die oben stehenden Anweisungen, wenn Sie ein Visum benötigen und beantragen möchten.
        Negativer COVID-19-Test vor der Ankunft: Überwachter Schnellantigentest (RAT) mit negativem Ergebnis innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor Abflug vom Ursprungsort für alle Passagiere.
        Bei Ankunftseinschränkungen
        😷Masken sind in öffentlichen Räumen und im öffentlichen Verkehr erforderlich.

      Finden Sie uns in Ihrer Nähe

      An beantragen Tonga Visum in
      • Washington, DC
        Adresse Inc.
        1701 Rhode Island Ave NW
        Washington, DC 20036
        Für Anrufe: Mo-Fr, 8:30 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr ET
        Für Besuche: Mo-Fr, 8:30 Uhr - 17:30 Uhr ET

      Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Tonga-Visum

          Tonga Botschaft Liste in United States of America

          Tonga Zoll

          Importvorschriften Exportvorschriften Gesundheit und Sicherheit Kontaktieren Sie die Zollbehörden
              Für weitere Unterstützung wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Zollbehörden von tongaische. Sie werden Ihnen die neuesten Informationen zu Zollvorschriften und Export-Import-Verfahren zur Verfügung stellen.

              • Telefon

              Für weitere Informationen zu Reisebeschränkungen, Sicherheitswarnungen, politischen Aktualisierungen und grundlegenden Reiserichtlinien wenden Sie sich bitte an die nächstgelegene Botschaft von tongaische.


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